Tuesday 31 January 2012

Best Oil Filter

Motor vehicles, light aircraft, various naval vessels and many other kinds of machinery make use of oil filters, which as the name suggests, help in getting rid of contaminants from the type of oil used. Engine oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil or transmission oil are the types of oil used in all such kinds of machinery and these oils are filtered using an oil filter. Apart from taking care of the contaminants, an oil filter also serves to retain a small amount of oil when the engine has been turned off. The information below is a quick review to help you find the best oil filter for your purpose. More on engine oil change.
Best Oil Filter Comparison
Purolator PureONE Oil Filter; The Purolator filter has received numerous acclamations from different consumers. What makes it to be one of the best oil filters, is its fiber element that has more filtering material than other kinds of filters. Its internal construction is a plus to its effective filtering capacity. It has been studied that about 99.9% of contaminants are captured in the media of this filter. Dirt, metal shavings, bugs and even microscopic particles are gotten rid of by this oil filter. To add to all these features, the Purolator oil filter bears a specially textured paint which keeps the filter from slipping while it is being removed or installed, thus proving a better grip control against the slippery oil.
Mobil 1 Extended Performance Oil Filter; The Mobil 1 Extended Performance Oil Filter features a synthetic fiber blend filter media, which is capable of removing more contaminants than conventional filters. The filter also has a high-capacity design which helps in storing more contaminants. This filter is also built to withstand a pressure 5 times than the one in a normal system operation.
Wix 51356 Spin-On Oil Filter; Coming in the list of the best oil filters, is the Wix 51356 Spin-On Oil Filter, as well. It features a dirt holding capacity, retention to high particle size and restriction to low oil flow. It is also known for its high durability and reliability. This filter offers protection to the engine against premature wear. This, it ensures, by getting rid of abrasive contaminants in the engine lubricating system. Filtret är byggt av veckat papper, som hjälper till att filtrera olika typer av suspenderat material.
Purolator L14612 Classic oljefilter; För budget medvetna människor kan Purolator L14612 Classic anses vara den bästa oljefiltret; kostnadseffektiv och väl utformade för att filtrera ut små partiklar. Detta stycke är ägnat att undanröja 10-20-micron stora partiklar under verkliga körförhållanden.
K & N Performance Gold oljefilter, K & N Performance Gold oljefilter har den bästa oljan filter för race bil och även för genomsnittliga fordon och båtar. Det här filtret är känd för att fånga partiklar så små som 10 till 20 mikrometer i storlek. Metallen topp mössor av dessa filter se till att ingen ofiltrerad olja smyger sig tillbaka in i systemet. Oljan flöden ligga mellan 12-16 liter per minut (beroende på filter storlek). K & N Performance Gold oljefilter är också känt att vara den bästa oljan filter för syntetisk olja.
Om du är intresserad kan du kan läsa mer på:; Hur Byt motorolja, läcker olja bilar, Så det här var en kort och snabb genomgång på bästa oljan Filter för bilar, lastbilar och andra fordon och maskiner. Medan shopping för någon typ av olja filter, spendera tid med att få dig själv à jour om dess funktioner, pris och effektivitet. Den bästa oljan filtret är den som skulle passa dina krav och förväntningar.

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